Compound Sulfachlorpyridazine Sodium Powder

Short Description:

Main components: Sulfachlorpyridazine sodium solid solution microcrystals 62.5 %, trimethoprim 12.5 %, synergistic adjuvant, etc.

Product Detail

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Pharmacological Action

This product has a strong inhibitory effect on most gram-positive and negative bacteria. Bacteria sensitive to sulfonamide drugs cannot use folic acid in the surrounding environment, can only use p-aminobenzoic acid and dihydropteridine, under the action of bacterial dihydrofolate synthase to synthesize tetrahydrofolate, activated tetrahydrofolate in the synthesis of purine, thymine nucleoside plays an important role in the transfer of a carbon group. Sulfa drugs are similar in structure to p-aminobenzoic acid, and can compete with p-aminobenzoic acid for dihydrofolate synthetase in bacteria, hinder the synthesis of dihydrofolate, ultimately affect the synthesis of nucleic acid, and inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria. The action of sulfanilamide drugs can be antagonized by drugs that can metabolize amino benzoic acid, such as procaine and tetracaine. In addition, pus and tissue breakdown products can also provide essential substances for bacterial growth, and have antagonistic effects on sulfonamides. Trimethoprim is an antibacterial synergist that inhibits the activity of dihydrofolate reductase. The combination of the two can produce a synergistic effect to enhance the antibacterial effect.

Function And Use

Sulfonamides antibacterial drugs, most gram-positive bacteria and negative bacteria have strong inhibition effect, used in livestock and poultry escherichia coli and pasteurella infection. It can also be used for swine toxoplasmosis, poultry and rabbit coccidiosis.

Usage And Dosage

By this product. For internal administration: Daily dose, per 1kg body weight, 32mg for pig and chicken; for pigs, for 5 to 10 days; and chicken, for 3 to 6 days. Mixed feeding: This product 100g mix 500 ~ 750kg, continuous use of pig 5 ~ 10 days, continuous use of chicken 3 ~ 6 days. Mixed drink: 100g of this product mixed with water 1000- 1500kg, used for 5 ~ 10 days for pigs, 3 ~ 6 days for chickens.

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